April 6 update

I finally tracked down the wood I need!!! Hard rock maple! It will arrive tomorrow and I can finally build my design. The wood will be 7 layers or 7 ply, with grain cuts along the width, length and diagonal for durability.

The glue I have decided on on Titebond III wood glue. It is durable and waterproof. I have to check to see if there is a wood press in the woodshop in the ITLL, or else I will have to figure out another method to apply even pressure on the ply for 24 hours.


I have also been working on the art design I plan to laser etch into the deck. This week I will scan it and redraw it on the computer, probably via adobe illustrator.



img: http://s581.photobucket.com/user/frequency_01/media/titebondIII.jpg.html

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Kenzy O'neill
    April 11, 2016 12:18 am

    Titebond III sounds like a great choice for this project! If you don’t find a wood press, I’ve seen friends of mine use 2×4’s and pipe clamps to press the plies. You can carve two pieces of dense foam (that stuff with aluminum foil on both sides) and sandwich the plies between the foam molds, then clamp it all tight with 2×4’s.

  • Samantha Maierhofer
    April 7, 2016 9:22 am

    Glad to hear that you were finally able to find the wood for the board! How thick are each of the layers in the ply? Before we go do some laser cutting we might need to look into how the laser cutter handles that type of wood/glue. Also, if you have any scrap you should keep it in order to test some pieces on the laser cutter before doing the final board. Good luck!

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