Update 4-6-16

There has actually been some fairly substantial update to my progress.

  1. Have settled on a design that is elegant, as well as simpleIMG_20160406_180350
  2. Have planned out how to make the frame (still depends on a few material choices for the main container later)
    1. Frame will be made of wood and secured with dowels, screws, glue, and possibly L-Brackets for additional support
  3. Went to McGuckin Hardware and talked to a few people at the store to get a sense for how the rest of the build will go
    1. gave a few options for bowl material
      1. Plastic or metal piping (would need to assemble it, but gives most design freedom)
      2. ****notecard/sauce bottle is for scale reference later*****
      3. Already made containers and manually adding a valve (can help speed up the build process, but limits possible aesthetics and size)
      4. IMG_20160406_133742IMG_20160406_134725IMG_20160406_134741IMG_20160406_134749IMG_20160406_134806IMG_20160406_134755
      5. Use something 100% done with a valve (easiest thing, but least design freedom)
      6. IMG_20160406_134839
  4. Plan to try to select &  gather final materials by the end of this week
  5. Plan to start fabricating on Thursday 4-7-16, or Friday 4-8-16



3 Comments. Leave new

  • […] Update: Design Sketches & Materials Selection […]

  • Meridith Richter
    April 11, 2016 12:00 am

    That curved, U-shape wooden frame that you have sketched out is a clean and appealing design, it looks balanced and contemporary. Do you know what kind of wood you are planning on using? If you end up designing your own valve/glass combo I think the design will come across more industrial. If you end up using something pre-made, it could look more up-cycled and homemade, depending on if you use something like those mason jars or dispensers. Either way, I think your design will look intentional and elegant, it just depends on what you imagined as the final result. Good luck going forward!

  • Good progress so far Ben. I am really digging this simple design. It looks like it will be well balanced judging by where the filter/bottle neck is. Also the main container should be heavy with coffee so it will provide extra stability? Looks like the visit to McGuckin was useful. How are you doing on tools? I started my project and dint final all the tools I need so I had to go buy them. Hopefully you find all the tools you need if not maybe visit McGuckin again? Good luck! Keep it up.

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