Update 04/06

This week has been an impressive week. I finished all the soldering and programming for my infinity mirror. The coding for ardurino was much simpler than I thought, since I just needed to download the code online and apply them into the board. For next week, I am planning to do some final paint work and might do some minor refinement on my final design.

Here is the video for my infinity mirror right now:


3 Comments. Leave new

  • Nice work! I would recommend spraying some color paint to it

  • Wow you’re almost done! I like all the effects that the mirror’s got! I’m wondering what you are planning to do with the mirror once it’s done

  • Ashley Zimmerer
    April 10, 2016 8:29 pm

    It looks great! I like the tile/glass around the edges. Are blue and green the only colors it can do? Also, seeing as the mirror looked to be on the floor for the demo, how are you planning on hanging the mirror when it’s done?

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