Update 4/21/2016 LSKD (Lazy Susan Kitchen Device)

The CAD went through some minor changes since last time. Here is what it should look like in the end according to the CAD. It is finished and looks similar to this. The CAD does not include a drawing of the bearing since I used a mock bearing from McMaster Carr to fill in my CAD where my actual bearing goes. It also does not include L brackets, since I had already assembled the project and was not a fan of destroying it in order to get dimensions of my L brackets.

Screen Shot 2016-04-21 at 2.27.40 PMScreen Shot 2016-04-21 at 2.27.29 PM

The drawings are shown below for each piece.

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The wood sides were made by taking 12″ x 12″ x 1/2″ wood, cutting it down to 12″ x 11.75″ x 1/2″, marking where the holes would go, and making a pilot hole. The bottom base and middle base used the same tactic, minus changing the length to 11.75″. The top had me mark the pattern I planned to make in the wood and use a use a jig to cut away. I then used a router to polish up the edges, I also had to mark the locations where I would make pilot holes and then drill them. I then spray painted each piece and let them dry for 1 hr before flipping them and painting the backs. I used L brackets and screws to attach each piece together and form most of the frame. I screwed in my swivel to the base plate as well. The spice rack holder required that I find some acrylic, laser cut it, and then file it down so I would have about a 45 degree angle in each hole. I also spray painted this piece. I then applied wood superglue to the sides of my spice rack, placed my spice rack side in the appropriate location, and applied pressure for 10 min. I also used wood super glue to attached the base of my swivel to the base plate.

1 Comment. Leave new

  • Sounds like it came together well despite all of your issues. I’m impressed with all your improvisation to produce a final product. I know it doesn’t hold as many spices as you’d like but maybe it can be only for your most used spices or you could add more into future iterations. Nice job! I think this project is really cool and useful.

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