Upcycle Progress: Cardboard Lamp

One of the side effects of moving in from different country, as I did six months ago, is that I ended up with a lot this.

So, when we were given an upcycling assignment, I had little doubt about what raw materials I was going to use for the project. Yes, I decided to use cardboard. But, what do I make with cardboard. I looked up online to my astonishment that there are people who make a lot of stuff with just cardboard. I decided to make a piece of furniture considering the size of all the boxes. But, all the boxes I have are made up of single layered cardboard which might not be really stable for furniture. Hence, I decided to make something smaller that would not need to carry a heavy load. I ended up deciding on a night lamp.

I started sketching up ideas for my lamp and decided I would make the design shown on the below sketch. An LED light bulb would be placed in the center of the blocks while the blocks may be mounted on a turn table.

The Aesthetic I am looking to achieve here is the scattering of light effect by the corrugated edges of the cardboard. The rotation of the cardboard blocks could also produce the effect of a disco lamp only without the colors. Next action would be to take the Laser cutting workshop at ITLL and start cutting away.


Reference: Featured image taken from “http://www.designrulz.com/design/2015/02/diy-20-creative-cardboard-lamp-ideas”

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Hi Gautam, those are really great sketches! As per our conversation, I would really like to see a rotating component to those ‘layers’. You could also experiment with, color transparency and hole patterns. Looking forward to your work.

  • Faisal Al Balushi
    February 5, 2017 10:58 pm

    Hi Gautham! Really neat looking sketch you got here. It doesn’t look like cardboard unless you come close to it haha. I was wondering how you are going to attach the lamb? would you have a base for it or leave it hang? also are you planning to color the cardboard?

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