Upcycle Update: Pencils, More than a Simple Writing Tool

Colored pencils can be used for art in more ways than one could imagine. After scanning google for colored pencil sculptures, I have been inspired to try and make one myself. Some of my inspiration is displayed below.

Image result for colored pencil sculpture

These images have simply been copied directly from google images, the original artists are unknown.

At my house, I already have a big bag of old and broken colored pencils that have not been used in years. To finally put them to use, I have decided to attempt casting the pencils in a clear resin. The colors of the pencils will show through every side of the casting, giving it a bright colorful feel when viewed. The clear matrix of hardened resin should give the sculpture an elegant aesthetic as well.

Earlier this week, I did a small trial run to make sure my mold technique would work. It turned out to me more of a learning experience than intended. With my small mold, I filled it with the resin, and attempted to place the pencil pieces where I desired. It turns out that the pencils are less dense than the resin and they floated to the top. Currently I am back at the drawing board to figure out how to make the pencils stay where I want them.


2 Comments. Leave new

  • Gautham Govindarajan
    February 6, 2017 12:13 am

    This is a really good idea to use old pencils. Have you decided what kind of sculpture you’re gonna make? It also looks like a lot of work, but if you could create a sculpture like he ones you have shown here, it would be really cool. Good Luck!

  • These pictures really helped me to better understand what you’re going for with this project. The face made out of colored pencils is really well done, it would be awesome if you could create something like that. It looks like a lot of work. It almost seems like these were made using different sticking materials than you have, but I’m sure you will be able to create your own style and aesthetic using what you have.

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