Skill Sets and Personal Aspirations

I come into this class having a Solidwork’s and 3D printing background. I also have woodworking and minimal welding experience. My personal aspirations are to become more comfortable welding and machining given it’s been a while since I have machined.

My overall aspirations are to first, graduate, then I plan on moving out to Kansas for a job with Textron Aviation. I was an intern this past summer with them and have taken Ground School and my written test towards my Private Pilot’s license. I hope to finish getting my pilot’s license when I move out there. Eventually, I hope to become a personal business owner but that will be after years of industry experience and after I get my MBA.

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  • That’s really cool that you getting your pilot’s license for your future job. It offers a very unique perspective to the design that others might not have and could be useful to your team.

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Skills Sets and Personal Aspirations: Tori Herfert