20th Century Design Aesthetics: Pen/Pencil Holder

These are examples of pen and pencil holder with different aesthetics. The first one is a rounded aesthetic. This one is very nice but is only possible to manufacture with the use of a CNC lathe. I think it has very nice features and is probably my favorite. Due to the fact that it is easier to manufacture though I will probably use the geometric design to the right. I will have to be careful to not make too sharp of edges or the object could actually hurt someone. The last aesthetic i see coming from the 50’s. It is patterned across the whole object and kind of a gold and black pattern. Think like Great Gatsby colors. Manufacturing is the limiting factor in this project.

5 Comments. Leave new

  • Matthew Clark
    May 10, 2017 4:36 pm

    I like your choices for aesthetics you are thinking of implementing to your project. I agree that using a CNC lathe would require more work so maybe using the mill would be better.

  • Jack Wheeler
    May 10, 2017 2:49 pm

    The sketches and diagrams are very informative, this could be a great looking project! I could definitely see someone having a pen/pencil holder like this on their desk.

  • Morgan Ulrich
    May 9, 2017 3:53 pm

    I like the cross sectional views; they really communicate what you envisioned in a professional way.

  • Katherine Yarnell
    May 6, 2017 1:02 pm

    It’s cool that you thought through the manufacturing. I like the three designs you sketched out. They are all very different, it’s crazy to think how much a design changes depending on the aesthetic you decide to design with.

  • Errol Romero
    May 1, 2017 3:52 pm

    I like how you kept the manufacturing process in mind. The design is useless if the product cannot be manufactured or it hurts someone. Great designs, I hope you are able to implement one of them

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