Main Project Report Part 2: Upside Down Fish Tank

I currently have the fish tank set up in my room right now and added a lot more plants and fish. It looks amazing and definitely aesthetically pleasing.

Types of Fish

These are the types of fish that I have in my aquarium at the moment. I am hoping to add more to the fish tank and make it more dynamic.







Reflection and Comments

I was amazed by how well my project turned out to be. I don’t have any regrets creating my project even though I did spend over my estimated budget. Since my fish tank is set up in my room, I do end up using it multiple times a day.

The public was astonished at the expo and I had a lot of traffic into my project. My project is a little different than others because it contains live fish. I learned how to make a successful acrylic fish tank and the manufacturing process of acrylic and wood.

Aesthetics of Design is a really interesting class and I have definitely learned a lot from it. It was intriguing to learn about the different types of aesthetics throughout history and in today’s society. I do not see any issues with my project, so there isn’t anything that I would change. However, I will continue to work on with my project, by keeping the fish tank clean and keep adding new fish to it. I have plans to make a smaller fish tank for my office at work. Overall, this was an exciting class and I would recommend it to anyone.

3 Comments. Leave new

  • Gautham Govindarajan
    May 10, 2017 11:34 pm

    I was so excited when I saw your project at the expo. It looks like you have a wide variety of fish in there. And they all look diverse and awesome. The lighting you used for the tank was perfect. One thing I’d suggest is adding some more colorful pebbles to the bottom of the tank. Overall, congratulations on a job well done!

  • At the expo, I really enjoyed your project and the way you displayed it. The lighting was perfect and illuminated the tank and fish with great detail. The tank your create was flawless and looked like a professional job.

    The fish that you chose also were a great addition to the project. The diverse colors and personalities of fish made the visual appeal of your project much better. I’d recommend you get more things that sink and put in the bottom. Try to get stuff with some color to it.

  • Siddharth Nigam
    May 4, 2017 2:13 am

    Your project was really cool, I like how it turned out. I have always been fascinated with aquariums and in fact I built an aquaponics system out of an old fish tank and your fish tank looks like it was complicated to construct but the overall design is beautiful.
    The science aspect of it is really neat as well. Making an acrylic fish tank must have been challenging, but it seemed like it was something bought from a store so job very well done! Congratulations on such a cool project.

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