Upcycle Project – Colorado Flag

Being born and raised in Colorado I have always had a general obsession for the Colorado flag. I love its colors and the uniqueness of it compared to many other states. Ever since I’ve lived in my own place I’ve had at least one Colorado flag hanging on the wall so my idea for an upcycle project was to use refurbished wood and create my own wooden flag. Luckily enough I acquired the wood from an old fence that had been torn down by me. The wood had been stained multiple times and weathered for at least a few years so it was perfect for what I wanted to use it for. I cut off a few pieces to make it into a nice rectangle and then used some larger wood chunks to shape into a ‘C’ shape for the center. Then I sanded the entire frame to allow for painting, which I did lightly and sanded some more to give a rustic feel. I attached the ‘C’ to the wood using spacers to give it a lofted look and my rustic, wooden Colorado was complete. The final step was to attach hooks and wire for hanging, which I did in my current room next to my bed. It takes up nearly the entire wall but gives it a Colorado mountainous feel to the room. I hope to continue using refurbished wood throughout the rest of my home whenever I feel inspired to create another upcycled project.

The Colorado flag is easily the greatest of all time. No questions asked.

3 Comments. Leave new

  • Hi Tyler,
    This is an amazing up-cycle project you have here. I love the way you were able to use re-furbished wood that you acquired on your own and make it into something meaningful to you and aesthetically beautiful as well. Also, as someone who grew up in Colorado as well I feel that this project does a great job of capturing the essence of the state and its beauty. The only thing I would change possibly is to redo the wood stain so that it stands out more and the contrast between the colors can be stronger.

  • Taylor Whittemore
    February 2, 2019 5:24 pm

    Hello Tyler,

    This is a really cool idea! I was wondering how long this took you. I have not yet started on my project but it inspires me to see that there are people who are already done with their projects. I am very impressed with your woodworking ability as well as your creativity.

  • Wow! It is beautiful! I am also a fan of the Colorado flag. Although I am from China, I have a little CO flag sticker on the back of my car. I like your idea of using recycled wood, it’s good for the environment and has a natural vibe. The raised C is a great idea, and I like how you left the stripe in the center unpainted to showcase the wood grain. I don’t know if it’s the lighting but I feel like the blue color is a little uneven, what kind of paint did you use?

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