Upcycle Presentation Logistics

Here are the Pod Presentation rooms:

Upcycle Feb 11 Feb13 Feb15
Pod A ECME 137B DLC 1B65 (kassie) ECCR 150
Pod B ECME 137A ECAD Clark (YC)   ECME 137A
Pod C ECOT 317 ECOT 317 ECAE 153 Seebass
Pod D ECAE 199 Onizuka ITLL 150   ECCR 150
Backup ECCR 150 ECCR 150 ECCR 150

If the room is locked, the people in the offices nearby can let you in. I will try to make sure they are all open for you, but text me if there’s a problem. See syllabus or lecture notes for my number.

And here are the pod members, leaders in bold:

Student Team Pod
Alqattan, Yousef 1 A
Alzahrani, Hussam 1 A
Buechler, Max 1 A
Benson, William 2 A
Degenhart, Nicholas 2 A
Lapham, Andrew 2 A
Bork, Rachel 3 A
Pearson, Eleanor 3 A
Plantz, Jack 3 A
Cagle, Tyler 4 A
Campbell, Jared 4 A
Trybus, Conrad 4 A
Auyeung, Hogan 5 B
Crone, Hans 5 B
Yang, Peilin 5 B
Al Gallaf, Hadeel 6 B
Bork, Clare 6 B
Shu, Shen 6 B
Alhalal, Fatema 7 B
Glanville, Danielle 7 B
Seighman, Chris 7 B
Collier, Luke 8 B
Eng-Morris, Josh 8 B
Jain, Shalil 8 B
Coulombe, Joseph 9 C
DePolo, Gino 9 C
Esteve, Andres 9 C
Alhajji, Ibrahim 10 C
Brown, Owen 10 C
Smith, Brandon 10 C
Corr, Xavier 11 C
DePerrot, Tyler 11 C
Lee, Jaehyung 11 C
Callin, Brittany 12 C
Gruber Andre 12   C  
Maggio, Nicole 12 C
Whittemore, Taylor 12 C
Alnoaim, Abdulrahman 13 D
Coffman-Lee, Gabriel 13 D
Sus, Yazen 13 D
Alrashed, Abdulaziz 14 D
Oliver, Andrew 14 D
Sawyer, Samuel 14 D
Nahabetian, Jordan 15 D
Nibbelink, Alexis 15 D
Wismer, Tanner 15 D
Benninger, Morgan 17 D
Dong, Evan 17 D
McFadden, Christopher 17 D

Pod leaders are in bold. We still need pod leaders for Pod A and D. Here are the responsibilities of a pod leader:

Pod Leaders are very much like session chairs at a scientific conference, with a couple of additional responsibilities.

1.        Work with your pod members to decide who will present in which order. You can just ask for volunteers, or set a schedule in advance, or some variant.

2.        Open the room. Text Prof. Hertzberg at 303 817 0967 if there is a problem with this.

3.        Take attendance and keep track of presenters, and send who presented and who was absent to Prof. H after class.

4.        Help the first speaker get their video set up. Ask for help from others if you need it.

5.        Remind each speaker to get their talk recorded on their phone. Better if it’s done by somebody else in the room, not you.

6.        Time each speaker. Give them a signal close to the end of their 9 minutes to let them know time is running out. Stand up next to them to let them know if they have gone over time.

7.        Moderate questions: If two people want to talk at once, call on one.

8.        Remind everybody to type their comments as well as speaking out loud.

9.        Offer a comment and ask a question if nobody else volunteers. Be a model of good critique technique.

10.        Make sure the room is clean (no trash) and chairs are neat at the end of the session. Turn off the projector/screen at the end.

11.        Commit to attending all the presentation sessions, or get somebody to substitute for you.

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