Skill sets and personal aspirations 2019

I’m a mechanical engineering student in my senior year. First of all, I’m inspired by my father who’s an electrical engineer and he does a lot of projects by himself. He did a lot of awesome home projects with aesthetic designs, electrical and mechanical. He actually loved the board game I made so much that he wants to start a business out of it!!

Like the daughter of her father, I did a lot of projects and now I’m experienced in different areas. Here are some of what I can do/use: Arduino, SolidWorks, programming, Laser cutter, 3D printing, soldering, Wood Workshop, Welding and Machining.

My dad and I are planning to make our own home smart theater! Ask me whenever you want me to talk about it and I will be happy to explain our amazing idea .

2 Comments. Leave new

  • That’s great that your father is an encouraging presence in your life. I think that you should do some kind of game for your final project, since it’s an area that interests you.

  • Morgan Benninger
    February 25, 2019 10:03 pm

    It’s cool that you are inspired by your dad and that you have followed in his footsteps. The home smart theater sounds awesome, I hope that works out!

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