Skills and Aspirations: Hogan Auyeung

As a senior pursuing my mechanical engineering degree, I have built up an arsenal of skills and personal aspirations. From analytical capabilities to hands on technical experience, the mechanical engineering program has allowed me to refine my skills. Many of the courses I’ve taken have taught me how to analyze any situation and apply my knowledge to that situation. I have experience with milling, using a lathe, coding, electronics, laser cutting, SolidWorks, and MatLab. Some of my aspirations include joining industry with these skills and being able to be in a position to apply my knowledge to help better society. With the knowledge I have obtained, I want to apply it in any field I join. I always want to keep learning and continue to build myself and my career.

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  • Hogan,
    I feel so lucky that we’re on the same assigned team! I would really like to bounce ideas off of you about the best way to manufacture our projects – it sounds like you know a lot about that.

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Skill Sets and Personal Aspirations