Since I am building a floating faucet, the main aesthetic of my design is illusionism which is considered as a type of art that existed before the 20th century. However, floating faucet designs have become popular pieces of art in the 20th century.
From the images above, we can see multiple floating faucet tap fountains in different countries around the world such as the US, Canada, Belgium, and Spain. Most of those fountains were built in the 20th century, however, some of them were built in the 21st century.
Nonetheless, I will be able to add many different aesthetics from the 20th century to the design. For instance, I can add Art Nouveau or Art Deco to the bucket. The sketch below illustrates an idea that I have to add Art Deco to the base of my design to match it with the old fashioned design of the faucet. The base has three recurring layers with different diameters.