For my project I will be making a kinetic art piece for my wall. As for the aesthetics of the piece, I am going for a very modern, clean, and geometric look. My aesthetic compared to other aesthetics of the 20th century such as Dada are quite different.

Left: Marcel Duchamp, Fountain, 1917. Photography by Alfred Stieglitz, via Wikimedia Commons; Right: Theo van Doesburg, poster for Dada Matinée, 1923. Image via Wikimedia Commons.
Dada was all about questioning different aspects of society. The main focus was to pick apart traditional values and replace them with new art. This is a very different approach compared to what my project aims to achieve. I’m not questioning any aspect of society but rather creating art for people study and discover on their own.
If I were to make my project with in the scope of the Dada movement I would first start of by asking questions about the function of this art and what roles it plays in society. I would incorporate something that would help people question my work, just as I did.
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Hi Andre,
I like the idea. I went on and saw Dada designs. I like them very much. I think incorporating his methods in your design is very smart.