After much deliberation I have decided to do the projection mapping without the computer vision piece. This will make my construction much more streamlined.
I am in the middle of this tutorial:
I also came across two good examples of what I am trying to accomplish. This first is the figure of a stadium intro with projection mapping over the court.

The second example of something that aligns with my aesthetic is the art installation at DIA.

4 Comments. Leave new
Great idea, but what are the aesthetics going to be?
Hi Owen,
I love your idea. It is good that your are learning a new thing to design this project. The end product will look nice. Good luck.
Owen, I love this idea. It is unique and I think it will turn out awesome once it is built. However, I have the same question as Max. What is your construction timeline looking like??
This looks good so far, but what are your plans for actually constructing it and staying on time with the requirements of the semester? Overall it looks good though, Good luck on getting it all done.