Laser Cutting
I will first laser cut the mirror frame out of a large sheet of wood on the laser cutters in the Idea Forge. I will also cut out the back panel that will hold the panel in place. These will be complete by April 10th

Mirror sourcing and cutting
I will buy my mirror and have it cut to size at Home Depot, which will reduce the amount of time and effort I will have to put in to getting my mirror the right size. I would also like this to be complete by April 10th
Painting mirror frame
I will purchase paint and decide on a design for my frame. I will also paint the frame with the design that I decided on. I would like to complete this by April 17th
Setting up Raspberry Pi
I will order the microphone and speaker, and install the Alexa agent on the Raspberry pi by April 17th

Integrate final product and test usability
I would like to put everything together and start testing the usability of my product by April 24th
1 Comment. Leave new
This seems like a good timeline! One thing I’m unclear on is are you utilizing a monitor behind the mirror to have graphics on it?