Upcycle Inspiration // Kensue Kiatoukaysy

For my upcycle project I was inspired by the multitude of boxes sitting in my basement due to us recently moving into the house. I wanted to take advantage of the cardboard boxes with it’s ability to create solid objects when stacked on top of one another. By cutting the boxes into various shapes in order to create one final solid, my plan was to make something really cool too look at, as well as something easy to carry around.

I plan to glue many cardboard box cut outs on top of each other to make some sort of weapon from a TV show or video game.
I will then finish the design with spray paint which I also have laying around the house.


Image from: https://www.amazon.com/UBOXES-Moving-Inches-Bundle-BOXBUNDLAR12/dp/B007PBKMKK

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Hi Kensue;
    A very cool project idea! I like the idea of replicating something from a film or game – I think it’ll definitely be cool to see something that doesn’t necessarily exist in real life being rendered in a cheap and temporary material.
    That being said, I’d like to ask the level of complexity you were aiming for; would it be something as simple as a sword or something as complex as a sci-fi gun?

  • Kensue –

    I like your idea and material selection. Cardboard is an underrated material. Although you mentioned that you’ll be designing some sort of weapon from a TV show, I was hoping to know what that would be.

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