Coffee Capsules Holder – 5 Constraints

For my coffee capsules holder design, I have some constraints that I need to take into consideration to achieve the idea in my head. The constraints are as follow:

1- Aesthetic

For this project, I decided to have a modern and luxurious aesthetic. To achieve that, I am planning on buying some fine material that will add the luxurious part to the project. In addition, I will be adding some unique engravings and/or pattern to support my view.

2- Symmetry

This is one of my important constraints as it represents my personality. I have always noticed that symmetric objects and drawings usually draw my attention just because the way they look. For my project, it is going to have four sides similar to a box and what I am planning to do is have the sides facing each other identical. This way it will be symmetric in two directions.

3- Mechanical function

Part of the project requirements is to have a moving part. It does not need to be mechanical, but this is what I chose for my project. I am planning on using ball bearings to allow the ‘box’ to rotate freely. In addition, I might be using some magnets to allow the box to stop smoothly and at certain points.

4- Precision

Precision is usually necessary for most engineering projects, but I believe it is crucial in my project because I will need to glue several parts together since I will be using acrylic. However, this should not be an issue as I will be using the laser cutter with is very precise. I just need to pay extra attention when assembling everything together.

5- Size

I will be graduating this semester, I hope, and I am planning on taking my project back with me home. Therefore, it needs to be a relatively compatible size to take on an airplane or ship safely.  Ideally, the project should be easy to hold and handle by an average person without using excessive force.

6 Comments. Leave new

  • Hailee Pritchard
    March 8, 2020 8:56 pm

    Hey Abdul, I love your aesthetic for this project! I think it matches the purpose of your coffee capsule holder in a good way. Do you have any ideas for what material you will use? I also love how you are making it movable, I think it adds an advanced dynamic to the project. I can’t wait to see how it turns out!

  • Rhys Rueffert
    March 8, 2020 8:30 pm


    I like the idea for this project a lot. I was wondering exactly what kind of material you’re going to use to make it , as you don’t specify. I am also curious as to the exact specifications of your moving part, and how the box will open. Looking forward to seeing your project!

    • Abdulrahman Nashawi
      March 10, 2020 8:03 pm

      Thank you Rhys! I am planning on using black and red acrylic to match my coffee machine. To make it rotate, I will probably be using something called ‘lazy susan’ to allow it to rotate. To make the rotation movement more appealing, I will be adding magnets in the 4 corners to prevent it from moving very easily. As to how it opens, it will have a lid at the top with a simple circular hole in the middle to take it off.

  • Thomas Buckholtz
    March 8, 2020 1:30 pm

    Hey Abdul,

    I really like your idea for using magnets in the mechanical aspect of this project, I think I’ll try to use it in my own as well! I think it will make the box a lot funner to spin as well, especially if you have the magnets placed closely enough for it to “snap” to a position. There are lots of strong magnet options for pretty cheap on amazon. One question, are you planning for the top of the box to be open, or closed to make a cube?

    • Abdulrahman Nashawi
      March 10, 2020 8:07 pm

      Thank you Thomas! The magnets indeed will make it look more elegant and stable. The top of the box will have a simple lid with a hole in the middle to lift with a finger. If I ever decided to not use it, it can simply be removed.

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