Radial Solenoid Engine – Design Review

4 Comments. Leave new

  • Patrick Bodine-Ellison
    March 11, 2020 11:15 am

    I love this project! It’s extremely ambitious, so the only thing I worry about is you having enough time to complete everything. Have you looked into purchasing some of these pieces pre-machined? I would recommend looking for pre-wound coils as coil winding takes super long and is a very boring process.

  • Hey Ryan,
    I’m really excited to see how your project turns out! Your project does seem quite pricey. How much exactly is the project going to cost and do you plan on getting any funding or will the cost be all out of pocket?

  • Kensue Kiatoukaysy
    March 11, 2020 11:14 am

    I thought the design of it was very interesting as I had no idea you could make an engine in that matter. I’m curious to see how fast the system is afterwards.

  • Ryan,
    I really like the design of your project and how well laid out it is. The videos included in your presentation were cool and helped visually display the intent of your project. One question I have is, what do you plan on doing with it once it is finished? I think it would make a cool fan you could hang on the wall or something.

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