How to Make a Resin River Table – Favorite Design/Build Video

Out of all of the videos on how to make item recently, this video shown above is the best video I have been able to find.  There are a couple different things about this video that make it stand out over others.  Those things include no background distractions, clear video, clear instructions that go along with the video, alternate options/methods given, great explanation of all details, and clear pronunciation.

The first thing that I noticed when I watched this video was the clear video with little to no background distractions.  The background is all white with a product name in the back.  This makes it easy to identify what kind of video it is as well as show you what is important throughout.  There is nothing for you to get distracted with, they presented it in a very well manner and in such a way that attracts your attention.  Technology has a huge part in being able to do this, but we still see many videos these days filmed with poor quality.  A good how to video must have good resolution!

The second overarching theme that I really appreciated was the incredible communication, attention to detail, and helpful tips/tricks.  Throughout the entire video, the mans communication is clear (even though he has an accent).  Everything he discusses, he goes into detail enough so that you can recreate exactly what he is doing. He even gives alternate option and other tips/tricks that really speed up or improve the overal process and experience.  For example when he discusses how to flatten the table, he described the way he was going to do it, but he also described 2 other ways that it could be done.  This is very helpful becuase people without experience might have not even though of those idea, and in most cases, havent.

Although this video was incredible,  there were things that I would improve about it.  I wish that he went into more detail about polishing.  He barely glossed over that part, and that happens to be one of the hardest part.  I have found out that many people dont stress the importance of sanding and correctly explaining everything they do. Many people have never said how high in grit you need to go in order to get a good looking polished resin.  So this video could be better, but overall is the best one I have seen in a while.

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Daniel Straub
    April 3, 2020 11:07 am

    I have always wanted to make one of these. Excellent video. Thanks for sharing. Have you ever made a table like this?

  • Abdulrahman Nashawi
    April 1, 2020 6:08 pm

    Hello George! I really like the video you chose. As a matter of fact, I posted a video about using resin in a similar way. I was very surprised by the length of the table at the beginning until I realized that half of that length goes to the legs haha. Isn’t this almost identical to your final project? Did you use this video to do your table?

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