Aesthetic Roots 2020 – Steampunk Headphone Stand

My aesthetic roots for my main project have been steampunk always. I looked a few other aesthetics but when I started ideating the product, I could not associate any other aesthetic to it. My whole design process, my procurement, all key aspects have been derived from Steampunk aesthetic. In the beginning, I thought of different parts that I will potentially add to the product to show the aesthetic prominently, but due to COVID and other challenges, I reduced my scope to lesser parts. Now, my product showcases the steampunk aesthetic due to it’s antique look, rustic pipes, the steampunk skull I have used and the edison bulb on top. The bulb is an integral part of the steampunk aesthetic as it dates back to the past, when using a filament bulb was a trend. Apart from these things, to accentuate the look, I have added gears all over the product to make it look more “steampunky”.

Steampunk Industrial Pipe Lamp, Oiler and Steam Gauge - #944

This picture above describes why I chose the different aspects in my product, to stick to the steampunk aestehtic.



2 Comments. Leave new

  • Christopher Lehr
    April 21, 2020 3:10 pm

    Holy cow! This is so cool I cannot believe how well it is done and I absolutely think that you are crushing the aesthetic you picked! Keep it up.

  • miles radakovitz
    April 12, 2020 12:08 pm

    Yo this is dope! I really like how you were able to produce things despite the drawbacks that came with the added challenged posed by covid. Furthermore I really like the distinct flair you added with the skull and fan in addition to just the base steampunk aesthetic. Have you done other steampunk things in the past?

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My Aesthetic Roots // Kensue Kiatoukaysy
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Aesthetic Roots: Modernist Furniture