Construction Update: Coffee Capsules Holder

First of all, due to the current state with the COVID-19 virus, I will be traveling back to my country (Saudi Arabia) within about a week. Therefore, I will not have access to my project after I travel as it is going to be shipped in a box separately while I will be put in quarantine as soon as I arrive for a minimum of two weeks.

Luckily, I have managed to gather everything I need before traveling back. My current project state is technically complete. The only thing left to do is assembling everything after I get out of quarantine and have access to my project. The reason I did not assemble my project yet is because assembling it now increases the chance of it getting broken during the shipping process.

Since I need to show my final project before the class ends, I have put everything together where it looks assembled in the images and video below, but I did not use any glue; everything can be taken apart instantly. The following images should show exactly how my final product will look like except:

1- I will place the magnets using glue instead of tape as shown below.

2- I will peel of the cover layer on the acrylic which will make the black acrylic transparent. Again, I did not peel it so it does not get scratched during handling.

The following video summarize what I mentioned in this post.


2 Comments. Leave new

  • Wow, this is actually so cool and you have gotten so much work done! Will you make it so you can eventually take it apart? I hope it all goes well!

  • Hailee Pritchard
    April 15, 2020 9:34 pm

    Abdul!! I’m so sad to hear you’re going back, but I hope you will be safe and healthy at home. You have such a solid amount of work done and I think you really set yourself up for success once your project gets to your home! Are you planning on the capsules holder to be able to be taken apart forever? Or is that just temporary while you travel? Good luck, I hope it all goes well!

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