Construction Update: MTB jersey

Fortunately, I have bee able to make progress as listed in my timeline post. At this point, I made a “prototype” aka my first shirt ever! It turned out pretty good. But I used a fabric that was better suited for a button down shirt, since it is not very stretchy. Below you can see this first shirt.

The neck is the hardest part for me still. Something that will just require practice.

I then made the second version (the final version) out of a more stretchy blend of cotton. I proceeded to make the shirt but I did not pre-wash the fabric before sewing… so when I washed the shirt for the first time, it shrunk vertically… Luckily, I made the shirt bigger because it needed it to have extra room to move while I mountain bike so the shrinkage did not affect it significantly. Below you can see the progress pictures of me cutting the patterns and sewing them together.

Again, the neck is not the best feature but overall, I would consider this a success! I went from not knowing how to sew at all, to making a decent shirt.

Then next step was to paint. I tried out the paint on the scrap piece of the same fabric with the tire pattern. It held the paint well.

Now I started painting the actual shirt. I will update on my next post.

Thanks for reading!

Benjamin Robles

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Hailee Pritchard
    April 22, 2020 7:36 pm

    Ben, I am impressed! I am doing a similar project, and I have not had this much success so far so props to you. Did you have any trouble with different stitching techniques with different fabrics? Also, how was it working with your final shirt material? Super cool project, can’t wait to see the final!

  • Knowing that you don’t have a lot of experience with sewing I think the progress you’ve made is really impressive. I personally cannot sew but have tried and I know how hard it is to start learning. I think the shirt looks really good I like that you had done two prototypes and learned from them. This really impressive and I’m glad you are able to actually complete your project

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