Upcycle Spaceflight Aesthetic

The aesthetic that I have chosen to base my upcycle project on is spaceflight. I already explored the spaceflight aesthetic in my first blog post, so I’ll talk about my plans for my upcycle project as well as why I decided to choose this specific aesthetic. My plan for the upcycle project is to recreate the historic 1969 launch of the Apollo 11 space capsule. This is the launch that first took humans to the moon and is one of the most important milestones in the history of human spaceflight. This mission used a Saturn V rocket and launched from Launch Pad 39A at Kennedy Space Center. My plan is to use wood, cardboard, and other materials to recreate the rocket, hammerhead crane, and launch pad with as much accuracy as I can.

Image result for apollo 11 launch

Space has been a passion of mine for many years now. My high school physics teacher used to work for NASA and was very effective at inspiring a passion for space in all of us. My senior year in high school, our AP Physics class flew from Colorado Springs to Florida for a few days to explore various NASA and Air Force facilities. We got to explore Kennedy Space Center, the VAB, Air Force Weather Ops, and about a dozen launch pads including Launch Pad 1 and Launch Pad 39A. Launch pad 39A, where the Apollo 11 mission launched from, is currently being rented by SpaceX and we got to examine multiple F9 rockets in person as well as speak to many of  the people working on the site. While at Kennedy Space Center, I also got to see one of the only remaining Saturn V rockets, which was the rocket used for the launch. This trip cemented my passion for space and desire to pursue a career in the space industry. Since space has become such a large focus for me, I decided to base my upcycle project on that.

Image result for kennedy space center

Image result for kennedy space center


Image 1: https://www.space.com/apollo-11-moon-launch-50th-anniversary.html

Image 2: https://www.viator.com/tours/Miami/Miami-to-Kennedy-Space-Center-Round-Trip/d662-5408P26

Image 3: https://www.celestis.com/blog/kennedy-space-center-area-tourist-attractions/

4 Comments. Leave new

  • Hi Callum. I’ve recently been learning about early space flight and the Apollos, so I’m excited to see you build this! Are you going to use any information or photos you took in real life for inspiration?

    • Hi Bryce. My plan is to recreate Launch Pad 39A for my project. Unfortunately while I did get to visit the site I was unable to take any photos since SpaceX had their rockets there. So I’ll mostly be going off of photos online and any specific details I can remember.

  • Hi Callum,

    I think your project recreating the Apollo 11 launch is super cool! I also plan to make a model rocket ship out of only cardboard, which is similar to your project only much less complicated. How long do you think your project would take?

    • Hi Thuc. I’m not anticipating my project to be too difficult to finish. My plan is to sketch out an outline, make the cuts out of cardboard, paint/draw on the designs for the rocket, and then combine all the pieces. Hopefully it all comes together well.

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