My Personal Aesthetic

In my free time I enjoy working out, playing hockey, and being outdoors which in return defines my personal aesthetic. Before attending the University of Colorado Boulder, I took two years off of school and played semi professional hockey in Canada chasing my dream of becoming a division 1 athlete. Therefore, I consider myself to have a sporty aesthetic as it has a lot to do with my lifestyle and my involvement in completive sports. Part of playing hockey in Canada was the opportunity to receive clothes from Lulu Lemon which is a workout clothing brand. Thus, my daily wear consists of mainly Lulu Lemon attire or active wear.

Tuesday Reviews-Day: Men's Lululemon ABC Joggers - Chicago Athlete Magazine

T.H.E. Short 7" *Linerless | Men's Shorts | lululemon

Lululemon Metal Vent Tech Long Sleeve - Caliente / Black - lulu fanatics

Although the pictures above are all sporty, I think Lulu Lemon also fits the casual aesthetic as well. The images above are all active wear clothes but in my case these clothes are also worn everyday which give them more of a casual feel. The majority of people who I interact with on a daily basis typically don’t wear fancy or dressy clothes but instead wear similar clothes to myself. This gives off more of a general feel and one with minimalistic colors, logos, or graphics. I think most people I know grew up playing sports and tend to wear sporty or casual wear on a daily basis. This aesthetic also appeals to a large range of people which helps make it more common.

As for my personal project, I want to use a more bold mid 20th century type aesthetic for my cryptex lock. In my previous blog post I discussed my intent to design and fabricate a cryptex lock as I have wanted to make one since freshman year. Cryptex locks have been around for centuries and incorporate a wide variety of aesthetics as well as design features. Therefore, I think I am going to print my lock in all black PLA to give it a bold feel and resemble a time period not as current. My personal aesthetic in this blog post is modern and one that is hard to resemble in a cryptex lock pushing my boundaries a bit. I want to contrast my daily lifestyle and the aesthetic associated with it and instead incorporate a different aspect into the project.

The image above represents the general idea for my final project and as you can see provides a big contrast from my personal aesthetic. This lock is all black and for the most part I never wear black clothes or clothes with minimalistic colors. I am excited to begin working in more depth on my final project and diving deeper into an aesthetic that is not as common to my everyday lifestyle.

[1] “Surge Jogger *29’: Men’s Pants.” Lululemon,

[2] “DrySense Long Sleeve: Men’s Long Sleeves.” Lululemon,

[3] “Surge Short 6’ Linerless: Men’s Shorts.” Lululemon,

[4] “335.73US $: Fashion New Style Educational Toys Cryptex Locks Gift Ideas Da Vinci Code Lock to Marry Lover Escape Chamber Props Black: Locks: – AliExpress.”,


2 Comments. Leave new

  • I’ve always really enjoyed the hockey aesthetic. Although I am not a huge hockey fan, something about the jerseys and overall feel to hockey is genuinely appealing to me. This likely stemmed from playing lacrosse in high school and there being a lot of overlap in culture there between hockey, but casual is definitely something we both take from. I like the idea of incorporating minimal colors/looks into the lock, this really fits the theme of locks since they are usually pretty mechanically simple machines, but solving them is less than simple.

    • Branden Tangney
      March 11, 2021 9:27 am

      I also grew up playing lacrosse in high school and I think the technical aspect as well as the culture is so similar and they parallel each other in so many ways. I like the way you put the minimal ideology into perspective and I am going to use that thought in one of my future blog posts! Thanks!

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