Futuristic Longboard Design Preview

In my previous post I outlined the initial plan for my final project and showed some of the parts and materials I plan to use. In this post, I’ll go over how I plan to combine those elements and give a idea of what the finished product may look like.

To recap, I am attempting to apply the futuristic aesthetic that I have been exploring in this class to my personal aesthetic which is very much influenced by snowboard and skateboarding. On the left is a photo of my futuristic upcycle project and on the right is a photo of me where you can see the influence of snowboarding / skateboarding on my personal aesthetic. For the final project, I will try to combine these two.


A “Futuristic” aesthetic is quite subjective. I will move forward with the direction I have been taking it through my previous posts. I would suggest taking a look at those if you are confused what I mean by a futuristic aesthetic as I’ve defined it in my own vision.


Here is a recap of key elements I want to incorporate into the design:

Clear Deck

White trucks

Aluminum Support

White, Large Diameter Wheels

Clear Grip Tape


I’ve made a mockup in SolidWorks to get an idea of how I plan to bring everything together:

The thinking behind the aluminum support is that otherwise the clear deck will need to be too thick to maintain the structural rigidity of not bending in half when you step on it. I also had some concerns about the clear deck cracking where the trucks are bolted on. I think there is still some work to be done on the aesthetics aspect to make the board feel more seamless and intentional (this is a key part of the futuristic aesthetic). I am also very unsure of how this design will work in practice. Since I actually want to be able to ride the board, I need to ensure that the flex and stability is comparable enough to a traditional (wooden) longboard. I am planning on using polycarbonate for the deck, which is less brittle than acrylic.


I have found sources for all of my parts and plan to purchase them this week. From there, I will do some preliminary testing to see if the overall design is feasible. Then I will work on refining the design, and developing a manufacturing method for creating the clear deck, as it needs to have some 3D curvature to it.


2 Comments. Leave new

  • Brayden, Looks like the project is progressing well. Im super excited to see how it turns out. I really like the futuristic aesthetic you have latched on to, I think your execution of it is very sound! Do you plan to leave the aluminum support the color of bare aluminum, or do you plan to spice it up a little bit with some color? I can see both ways playing into the futuristic aesthetic well. Great work!

  • Natalie Jagelski
    April 5, 2021 10:19 am

    This is a cool and unique project. I’ve never seen a clear longboard before, so this is really cool. As you stated in your post, I’m also really curious about how the board will perform while being used. Other than potentially breaking when you step on it, are you concerned about the board getting scratched? Have you thought of additional ways to protect the board from damage during use? I think you were spot on in selecting a simple metal and clear plastic for the design – this will definitely give it a futuristic look. Are there any other design elements you can implement to add to the futuristic aesthetic? Laser etching something on the clear board couple look cool. It’ll be cool to see how this turns out!

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