Upcycle Project with Aesthetic of Minimalism

The aesthetic I would like to use in my Upcycle project is Minimalism.

(Image from:https://www.dontwasteyourmoney.com/best-minimalist-desk/)

Well, to be more specific, a Scandi Style stationery that I can decorate on my desk every day. I would like to cut a piece of solid wood and make a nice-looking design smartphone stand by myself. I have done quite a few paper sketches about its look and cut the piece of material just for testing the weight and getting familiar with the saws in the BTU lab.

The reason why I chose this aesthetic is that it not only fits the theme but also corresponds to my life philosophy. Since I am studying abroad alone, I have no idea if I would stay in Boulder or not after I graduate from grad school. Therefore, I would like to keep my belongings as less as I can, this is also my philosophy of life. Therefore the stationery should serve multiple functions instead of just being a decoration on my desk.

To recycle something and make it better is the definition of the word Upcycle in the dictionary. The very initial vague clue about my plan was that I just created my logo the week before the Spring semester started. It’s a combination of the character of my first name and last name(Andrea Wang) as AW.

The product I want to make is simply heavily inspired by the cardboard smartphone stand-making tutorial on Youtube(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFnLHOCWO3o&t=201s). But I would prefer another material than cardboard for me to make my smartphone stand and have better sustainability and quality of use. It would be something like wood, or metal with some solid decoration that can be easily approached on or off campus.

Some of the examples that I see as references are the products of MUJI:

(I cannot find this on MUJI US’s website, so I inserted the following photos from MUJI Taiwan)
Muti-functional Wood case(About 17.5 USD):https://furniture.muji.tw/products/4550344310274

Wooden tool box (About 13USD) https://furniture.muji.tw/products/4550344310267

Another Wooden Tool Box(About 16 USD) (https://furniture.muji.tw/products/4550344310236)




4 Comments. Leave new

  • I think this aesthetic goes great with any room. Something about the perfect corners makes the aesthetic very pleasing to look at. I like how the minimalist approach doesn’t distract from surrounding objects and serves its purpose without stealing the show.

    • Chin-Hsuan(Andrea) Wang
      February 14, 2023 4:03 pm

      Yeah totally agree with that! I am pretty sure that without too much decoration, the wood itself should be perfect to bring the room a refreshing and peaceful feeling!

  • I really like this idea, I admire minimalism and having a clean and concise workspace. I’m doing something similar for my project so its pretty cool to see another person with the same taste.

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