For my upcycling project, I will be making a rear bike fender. I will be using sheet aluminum from beer or soda cans. The aesthetic I have chosen is minimalism. I chose this aesthetic because I think it will match the style of my bike. The bike I have is a titanium-aluminum alloy that is very minimalist and sleek.

The minimalist aesthetic removes any excess clutter and only keeps what adds value to the object or design. I would like to have a very clean and simple design for my bike fender so this is the perfect aesthetic for my design. Below is an example of a minimalist design that captures the look I’m going for with an aluminum fender.

I plan to sand the cans so that only bare aluminum is exposed. This will match the style and color of my bike. The fender will be designed as a flat pattern that I can can bend into my final desired shape. This idea was inspired by Muc-Off, a bike company that makes bicycle accessories. For the attachment to the bike, I plan to zip tie one end to my seat post.

Overall, I am very excited to play with the minimalist aesthetic and see how it looks on my bike!
Citations: “What Is Minimalism? A Practical Guide to a Minimalist Lifestyle.” Break the Twitch, 15 July 2021,,and%20space%20in%20our%20lives.
2 Comments. Leave new
I like that your project fills a need of yours, as well as demonstrating an aesthetic. Similar to George’s comment, what are your thoughts on material thickness and joining methods for the cans?
Nice idea, the polished aluminum will look great on your bike. I’m curious if you think there will be enough material on one can or how you might join more together?