What designer do you admire – IKEA

I’m pretty enamored with IKEA. They make a pretty mean couch, but I get excited about their presentation, project versatility, and collaborations with other high-profile designers that I admire. The more I learn about their design process, the more my admiration grows.

To read my blog post, click here!

4 Comments. Leave new

  • Maddie O'Brien
    March 5, 2023 4:27 pm

    I really enjoyed reading this post! The Ikea style is definitely unique. I found their approach of setting a price point for a product before even beginning the design fascinating! Do you have a favorite ikea based project?

    • Will Harris
      March 5, 2023 6:07 pm

      I didn’t elaborate much on their collaborations with other designers in my post. The first project that comes to mind as my ‘favorite’ would be their modular lighting/speaker system developed in tandem with Teenage Engineering (my other favorite design studio)!
      The Frekvens is a series of blocks that you can connect to form interesting lighting solutions. And even better, they developed a series of 3D-printable designs that add functionality to them!


  • Riley Dressel
    March 4, 2023 1:10 pm


    IKEA as a “designer” is an ingenious choice! Their style is undeniably iconic, and their products can be used in any space, for a variety of reasons. As you stated, their color palette also makes for some extremely striking clothing and accessories, and their bucket hats are a particular favorite of mine. I know that their smaller desks can actually be used in tandem or cut open for a PC to be placed inside, making a DIY setup. Aside from the Skadis carrying, what other “Ikea Hacks” exist?

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