Main Project Plans and Inspirations: Woodwork Aesthetic Jewelry Box

For the final project I want to draw on my liking of minimalism, cozycore, and a woodworking aspect. Due to my tendencies of always keeping my space clean, neat, and arranged I want to make good use of this project and my home space. My father has always been a big inspiration in my life and he has been doing a lot of woodworking at home recently. He has made these minimal style wooden cabinets, storage shelves in our garage and closets, and even a wooden telescope so I would like to do a piece of my own. Here are some of my dad’s works.

I have a decent amount of jewelry but it can tend to get lost in various bags. I would like to make a small jewelry box with a basic hinged lid with small hangers and compartments inside. I would like to include some sort of engraving of initials or an art deco pattern with gold paint to have some accents on it. If I’m feeling ambitious I might opt for a stained glass lid.

The art deco movement emerged in 1925 has been very popular in the Arts and Crafts design. Art Deco got its name from an exhibition that took place in Paris called the Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels Modernes. The arts and crafts movement was happening in the late 1800s in England as a combat to industrially mass produced furniture. I enjoy pieces that have unique individuality and that “small business vibe” like on etsy and pinterest. Art deco has characteristics of symmetry and cleanliness which the OCD in me loves. The stained glass is a theological art form which is used in many churches to enhance the beauty and symbolism of Christ. I believe this would be a nice touch if I can accomplish that.

Here are a few ideas to draw from.


A short history of styles and forms. FineWoodworking. (2016, September 5). Retrieved March 8, 2023, from

The styles of woodworking: Expert woodworking tips. Expert Woodworking Tips | Learn beginner woodworking techniques. (2018, May 1). Retrieved March 8, 2023, from

This item is unavailable: Etsy: Glass jewelry box, Wood Jewerly box, custom stained glass. Pinterest. (2014, January 5). Retrieved March 8, 2023, from

2 layer large solid wood jewelry box with drawer Walnut Wood. Etsy. Retrieved March 8, 2023, from

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Hannah Matthews
    March 13, 2023 5:10 pm

    I love this project idea. It will be a greta experience to work with woodworking to create a beautiful jewelry box that will fit into your aesthetic and love for being organized. Have you thought of any other ways to open it besides basic hinges for the dynamic aspect?

  • I like how this project idea will be something you end up using almost everyday. The Art Deco aesthetic will look really good with the wood base of the piece itself, especially the stained glass idea. Do you know what kind of wood you want to use?

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