Main Project Aesthetics, Plans and Alternatives

For my final project, I have decided to make a large floor pillow (pouf) in the shape of a tomato pin cushion. I will be calling upon fairy and cottagecore aesthetics for this project.

A “real world” reference I am using is the movie “Secret World of Arrietty” a ghilbli movie inspired by “The Borrowers” book. Below is an image of Arrietty’s room, that features a pin cushion chair.

For alternatives of this project, I decided to use Pop Art and Goblincore for my alternative aesthetics. For pop art, I decided to play with the concept of size brought to a comical sense by designing a large plush dice, for goblincore, I decided to do more of a floor pillow/carpet combination concept with moss and a large plush rock.

Progress on project:

To report my progress on my project, I got the supplies needed the other day, including red and green fabric and red and green thread. I already have the patterns printed out, now what I need to do is cut everything out and sew it together. I will be double layering the fabric for strength and thickness.


“The Secret World of Arrietty.” IMDb,, 17 Feb. 2012,

3 Comments. Leave new

  • Hi Lily, these are two interesting alternatives to your project. I think the pop art dice is very fitting for the chosen aesthetic. My question for you is, how do you define goblin core? You designed it to be a moss/rock plush which looks very nice but I could also see that as biomimicry or biophilic design. What brings out the goblin core aesthetic in that design? I like the moss design and spent a lot of time looking at moss carpets after reading your post and now I want one.

  • Palmer Dick-Montez
    March 19, 2023 11:40 pm

    I really like all of the ideas that you presented in this post! Do you plan to try to incorporate any aspects of the alternative ideas you mentioned into your current project? I think that adding the small carpeted section around the plush rock for the Goblincore example is really interesting and could work with the aesthetic that you are going for. I think that any of the three aesthetics you outlined would work really well in different contexts and I am excited to see more progress on your project!

  • The original concept was cool and so are the alternates! I’d love to know what sort of fabrics and textures you’d use for the goblin core project. In my head I imagine shag rug material for the ground but there’s so many ways you could take it.

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