Alternatives of Main Project Aesthetics

My project Aesthetic will be the organic/generative design for the body of the press. What I am currently figuring out is the mechanism of the press itself. As it can be seen in the two sketches I did (or at least I tried to represent), one option is using a “zip” mechanism which consists of a gear and a linear toothed rod; the other option consists in a cylindrical rod with a spring to keep the rod up while not in use and a lever manually operated that moves the rod down by contact. The following images show both types of mechanisms:

Craftool® Hand Press

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Hi Pere,
    This is a very interesting project concept. I am curious to see which mechanism you end up implementing and how that would turn out. How do you plan on adding organic elements to your design?

  • Hi Pere, I really enjoy your idea, as I’ve never thought of redesigning a press’s base/body structure. It is going to be interesting to see if redesigning the body structure affects the function of the press as there might not be as many orientations or parts shapes that you could do. What material are you thinking of making it out of? have you considered making it by casting for strength? Excited to see the final product!

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