Design Preview Report

I cut out the geenral shape of pieces that I needed to make sure I had enough fabric. I used sewing needles as sewing pins for the time being, since I did not have my full sewing kit at the time.

The image below is all the pieces cut out to sizeandlayedoutonthefloor.

Since I did not have my full sewing kit, including a sewing machine with me at the time, I settled with hand-sewing a double running stitch for the leaves. A double running stitch is when you sew a running stitch one way, then you sewing in and fill the gaps on the way back.

Vimeo link:

2 Comments. Leave new

  • I use a sewing machine often, but I’ve never hand-sewn; I’m always afraid that I’ll hurt myself or get too impatient. But there’s a certain look to seams when it has been hand-sewn, and you can tell that someone put time and effort into it. I’m sure your project end up looking amazing, and I’m excited to see it!

  • Chin-Hsuan(Andrea) Wang
    April 10, 2023 11:20 am

    Working on fabric by hand-sewing methods is really impressive! Looking forward to seeing how it will grow into a ripe and delicious tomato during the process.

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