Wood Bathymetric Map (Lack of) Progress Update

Unfortunately, my ideas for a Wood bathymetric map have come crashing down…

After purchasing $150 work of laser cutting plywood, UPS lost my plywood in their Commerce City, CO warehouse. Without the wood, my recently ordered blue wood stain is also worthless.

To adapt my project, I will scrounge enough cardboard to make a stand in. Unfortunately, this will not be my high-quality desired piece, but a pathetic shell. I simply do not have enough time to order or source new wood, and I have no hope that UPS will deliver my wood.

Oh well. Although not the desired update I hoped to post, I must continue on, or I won’t have anything to show for this project.

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Anil Antony Karathra
    April 20, 2023 11:43 am

    That is terrible logistics from one of the world’s largest logistics companies. I hope they find it and get it to you. However, It’s good to know that you have already found a solution to this problem. Have you considered layering the cardboard instead of creating a shell??

  • I am sorry to hear about this! I understand you were using multiple topographical images to create your finished model instead of one solid model. Would it be too difficult to produce a model, color it, and render it to show off what the end result would have looked like? Alongside the cardboard prototype, you could maybe create graphical line art to display different properties of the lake? Like its depth, area, etc. When I google bathymetric map a lot of infographics show up so it may be interesting to explore the aesthetics of infographics in the digital realm alongside your 3D model.

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