Ive gotten a lot of progress done so far. With this project i have learned to solder addressable LED’s which was a challenge due to how small they are. I initially bought a LED strip but quickly realized that the covers i designed would become to bulky so i instead bought some WS2812B RGBW LED’S

At this point i had already calculated the angles to make the shapes and i laser cut them out of acrylic and i prototyped the shape of the box with them.

Liking how it was looking i finally applied the two-way film and glued the box together. Once this was done i soldered all the LED’s i needed together and installed and found an Arduino code online for these type of LED’s  and tested them.

Finally i installed the LED’s and tested the how well the reflection inside the box would be with the LED’s and i think it turned out very well. I included a video with some wires inside the box.

Video of testing

The next steps are doing more research on how to properly build a terrarium and go buy the materials for it. i also have to redesign the caps to hide the LED’s. I also have to hide the wires that connect all the LED’s together. My plan for this is to buy some black aluminum trim or design something on SolidWorks that could be easily printed. This project has taken a lot of work and time but so far i really like how its coming out and where it’s going.

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Hi Daniel, this is some great progress, can’t wait to see the final product! For the terrarium, is there a specific vibe you are going for? What kind of plants are you going to use?

  • Grady Forsyth
    April 23, 2023 6:46 pm

    Hi Daniel,

    This design and progress is awesome! I really like how you mentioned learning process of soldering leds. This is impressive! Excited to see the final outcome.

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