The aesthetic for my upcycling project will be based on topography, though it will be slightly different. While I want to attempt to make a model as seen on the internet for its visual appeal, it is mainly driven by the fact that I’ve had abundant cardboard boxes lying about in storage unused. Rather than creating a diorama that will honestly probably gather dust on a shelf, I wanted some level of utility for my upcycle project — to a certain extent. To that end, I aim to create a topographic tissue case.

[1] Cardboard Topographic Model
From my limited research, there is a plethora of tutorials and resources that I can utilize to aid me in the upcycle. However, I could not find one that is similar to the current scope of the project, so I will likely have to experiment/improvise as I go.


[2] Initial Mockup of Topographic Cover Over Tissue Box
Before I commit to the concept, I want to have something to visualize my idea and gauge whether it is viable. To that end, I utilized Blender to model the tissue box I commonly use before encasing it in separate pieces to represent a layer of cardboard. I have an assortment of double-layered and single-layered cardboard so I will experiment on how to utilize both later. Four additional layers — later five to reduce symmetry — were laid on top that will be later molded into some arbitrary landscape.


The current design for the topographic cover is to have it slotted over a tissue box for ease of installation and removal. For the previously mentioned utility, I intend to install unused computer mouse weights inside to prevent the box from being jostled when grabbing a tissue.


[3] Upper Topographic Layers Created (Different Color For Easier Differentiation)
I adjusted the layers to conform around the slot of the tissue box so as not to impede access. Initially, I was somewhat disappointed by the bland look of the model. After playing around with the model, I realized how neat it looked to have the topography seemingly overtaking or growing around the box, so I decided to expand this theme further. This was done by exposing more of the tissue box on the side panel, which I personally liked the alternation.


[4] Additional Exposed Portions on Side Panels
[5] Exploded View

Of course, the physical project will diverge significantly from what is shown in the Blender models above as my experience with projects like these is limited, and the cardboard layers are not uniform — some of them have been squished in storage. Again, all this is a rough idea of what I plan for the project, and aspects of it will certainly change in the future.


[6] Slope and Color Added to Cardboard Layers




[2-5] Program Used: Blender 4.0 –


4 Comments. Leave new

  • Efrosini Krokos
    February 4, 2024 8:47 pm

    Are you going to use a specific topography? Just curious, really love the idea overall. Could use some mini mountaineers.

    • No particular topography in mind — I just wanted a believable landscape to build for the case. While I do appreciate the idea, I doubt my hands-on experience will be able to build mini mountaineers. Although I do recall having actual mini-figures laying around somewhere. If I find it before the deadline, I’ll try to incorporate them to the project.

  • Hi Vincent, I think you have a really good idea here! I like the use of cardboard to align with the upcycling aspect of this project. I also like your used of the tissue box idea not just for recycling purposed but also for a container for easy moving. I found the initial blender renders to be very helpful in visualizing what you were explaining and I like the idea to place depth on the sides as well as the top. Moving forward, how will you decide on the complexity of the topography to make it look finished without taking on too much of a commitment?

    • Again, the rendition was a rough idea as to what I wanted to create so the final product is susceptible to change. Currently, the main plan is to use a good old-fashion X-ACTO knife to get the shape. The topography doesn’t have to be 1-to-1 to the model (aside the dimensions to encase the tissue box), so it shouldn’t be too much of a problem to construct.

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Upcycle aesthetic: Scandinavian Aesthetic