Project Reminder: 

My final project will be a simplistic, low profile wooden light fixture taking inspiration from the minimalist aesthetic. It will be constructed from a hallowed out 2×4 plank of wood, a 3/8th acrylic sheet and warm LED strip lights. The dynamic component of this project will be from the LED’s ability to change shades, so as the light is on it will periodically cast out different shades of warm light. 

SolidWorks 3D Model of Final Design


Top 5 Specifications:

1.  Aesthetic Achieved

I have designed this piece to align with my current home and personal aesthetic. Because this aesthetic is very particular if I do not fabricate it up to par, I will likely not make use of it in my home. This will completely kill the pieces utility, functionality, etc as it unfortunately won’t be used. Because of this, aesthetic achieved is my number one specification.

2. Functioning Light Fixture 

This piece was designed as a light fixture. If the final product does not function as a light fixture I will likely consider it a failure. However, if it still achieves the wooden minimalist aesthetics I could potentially pivot the piece and still make use of it elsewhere, making this of second importance.

3. Wall Mountable  

This piece was designed to be a light fixture to be placed above a headboard on a bed or couch to provide lowlight for night time hours. If I can not actually hang this piece it will again lose it’s functionality and make it very hard to use.

4. LEDs not Visible 

While this is a slight cosmetic issue, I would like the LEDs within the light to be not visible and for only light to shine out. While it would likely be hard to be in a position to actually see the LEDs even if they were visible, this would take away from my minimalist aesthetic and make the piece look less finished.

5. Battery Pack Assessable 

I would like for the battery pack powering this light fixture to be easily assessable. I have a feeling this light will require semi frequent battery changes and if it becomes an ordeal to replace the batteries I will likely just stop doing it. Again this would make the piece lose it’s utility and function.

Top 5 Constraints:

1. Time

One of the largest constraints in this project is the time it will likely take. I have quite a busy class load in addition to working part time so I will need to schedule efficiently and effectively to completely this project in a timely mannor.

2. Skill

While I have experience using both a manual and CNC router, that is the extent of my woodworking skills. If I am to achieve the nice crisp and smooth geometries on this piece I will likely have to out source questions to someone more skilled.

3. Cost

While most of my components are pretty cheap, all of them together definently added up. Because of this, I had to be specific in where I allocated funds to stay under my mental budget. I focus the majority of the money on cosmetically necessary components or the ones that will be visible and obvious,

4. Weight

While I don’t think this will be an issue, if my lighting fixture becomes too heavy, it could to damage to whatever surface I try to mount it in. Without risking quality I will try to decrease weight in every component to avoid this.

5. Size

I am currently unsure of the dimensions of the LED strips and battery pack. These values will dictate the overall dimensions of the piece and because of this constrains it’s size. I must be conscious about these values moving forward to avoid having to remake parts because they are too small.

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Post 9: Specifications and Constraints
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Specifications and Constraints – Fountain Birdbath

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Oliver White
    April 10, 2024 2:28 pm

    Max, I agree with your assessment of the top 5 specifications and constraints. I would highly suggest that you go consult with Josh in the Idea Forge woodshop about the woodworking skill required for this project. I believe you can do this and come out with an awesome final product. I am looking forward to seeing the end result.

    • Thank you Oliver for the kind words and advice, I will definitely talk to Josh moving forward!


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