American beer bottle cap art

If there’s two things I love it’s beer and the US of A.  So I decided to merge the two and create an American themed mural to hang on the wall made of beer bottle caps.  Originally I thought I would make an American flag, but thats not too original and I didn’t have enough bottle caps to make a big one.  I’ve since decided to model it off a mix between two of my other favorite things: hockey and soccer, or rather their crests.  I’ve attached pictures of the US Mens Hockey and Soccer crests below.



To make it I’ll use bottle caps from around the house, lay them on some type of softer material, and back it all with some extra plywood I have.




2 Comments. Leave new

  • That looks good. Which look are you going for: the “USA” at the top or the star look at the top? Also what are you attaching the bottle caps to? (a piece of cardboard, a table, ???). I also figured you could grab bottle caps that are not red/white/blue and spray paint them red/white/blue to make it bigger if you like. If you want to do the star version you could also grab a little paint and make small stars on them.

  • I think this is going to look really nice and much more interesting than a flag. It’s still going to display a patriotic aesthetic at first glance but will have a deeper, more interesting (to me at least) meaning.
    Have you thought about any other overall aesthetic your going for? Maybe something rustic or using the shine of the bottle caps in a certain way?

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