Upcycling A Bird Bath

                It was hard to find the right idea when beginning this Upcycle project. I built a surf board table, broke a bunch scrap material around my house and tried to make anything from it, and I electrocuted myself too. But after travelling with a friend to Boulder Scrap Yard (63rd & Arapahoe), I finally thought of the perfect idea. A toilet as a bird bath, would make a great addition to my front yard and the University Hill. Although, when I went to lift the damn thing, it weighted enough to make me almost *explicate* myself. The reason I liked the toilet, was because of an art piece done in 1917 by Marcel Duchamp called the Fountain. The art work was only a urinal nailed to a wall. It was one of the pinnacle pieces in Dada art, which was about an irrational and anti-cultural art movement. Moving forward, I choose instead a blue sink since I had the ability to carry it.IMG_0530 It is very blue and shiny!

            Next is the stand creation, which is still a work in progress. First I took remnant wood 2by4s, pine, and cedar from my home and the ITLL at the University of Colorado to manufacture tons of blocks. The blocks were placed radially around the sink to get the layout, and then screwed together to make the base support. (Photos provided below) Everything though is still a work in progress, and I planning on finishing it over the next few days. The last additions to the Bird Bath will be finishing the stand, adding stain and paint where necessary, and putting some unique natural effects into it too. Stay Tuned!



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