Broken China Tea Cup Mosaic Progress

I am really interested in mosaics: the designs, the applications, and the methodology.



A friend gave me a beautiful china tea cup and saucer for my birthday, which my cat, of course, knocked off the counter and broke.

Since then I have held on to the pieces, hoping for an opportunity to use them in a project.


I thrifted this old clasp-purse and thought I could embellish it with a mosaic pattern of the broken china shards.

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I have been working on designing the pattern, as well as breaking and smoothing the pieces so that they will fit together.



The pieces will be tacked on with some hot glue, but I will also sew them down across the ends to give it more of a finish and firm up the attachment. The purse itself will also probably be used as a plant holder as well, to hang in front of a window (with a small potted plant sitting inside).

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broken china, mosaic, Upcycle
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