Upcycling lamp

For my upcycling project I have decided to make a lamp of sorts.  This is the first time I have played with any type of circuitry since 5th grade.  I found a cool piece of driftwood in Northern California over Thanksgiving, while on a roadtrip.  Inspired by a design my friend Davis has made, I am connecting mushrooms I have formed out of silicon, to the wood.  The wires run through the stems, which I dyed blue and green.  The aesthetic is a light fake nature character.  The wood is pale and the dyed green and blue are intended to blend nicely with the wood.  Still working on my soldering abilities, but so far I have not burned myself, so that’s a plus. Other than the switch, I got ll of the parts for free.

connecting the pieces
connecting the pieces
connecting the pieces
connecting the pieces

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Samantha Maierhofer
    January 27, 2016 8:31 pm

    The project is looking great. I like the aesthetics of the lamp and I am excited to see the end product. I was wondering if you have any ideas on how to hide the wires? Is there space in the log or do you have to find some other way to hide it?

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