Upcycle Progress – Glass Flowers and Not a Barn Door

This is a progress report on my upcycle project.  Originally I had hoped to complete a barn door out of old pallets.  As I feared, it is a much more involved process than this project or time allows, so I have moved on to my alternate plan of making glass yard art out of old dishes.


IMG_2732I found all of the glass I needed at Goodwill and will use clear kitchen & bath adhesive sealant and/or epoxy to glue each of the pieces together.




The stem was also found at Goodwill and was originally a candleholder.  I will be cutting the candle part off of the top so that I can attach the plates.  I also have some old silverware that I hope to bend into leaves and attach.  I’m not sure if it will look quite right though so we will wait and see on that one.

Candle holder


This project has inspired me to look for ways to repurpose things that have been cast aside, yet still have potential.  While searching for glass to use on the yard art I came across this old wash basin and pitcher – yep, once again at Goodwill. I am planning to turn it into a birdbath or fountain.  There are so many fun projects and so little time. . . .


Vintage wash basin


1 Comment. Leave new

  • Bummed to see the barn door project had to come to a halt due to time constraints but this is a really creative idea. I can already imagine seeing a rose replicated with sharps of glass or old glass plates but can;t wait to see how your idea comes out from your perspective. Also to solve your side note, I down an images I use for the blog to my desktop page, click on them, then orientate it the way I want using the standard photo media player that came with my laptop, then upload it with the add media tab. Might sound confusing but I can show you in class if you need.

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