What Brendan can do for you

I don’t really have a skill that I’m particularly exemplary at, but I do believe that I can contribute in a wide variety of ways. You could say that I’m a jack of all trades type. However, there are a few skills that I’d like to highlight.

  • I am very good with Solidworks. Having taken MCEN 1025, I passed an online exam to become a certified Solidworks Associate. In addition to this, I have used Solidworks to model a few projects I’ve done in the past, such as modeling an entire car.
  • I will be able to weld soon, as I will be taking a class later on campus. Welding is something I’ve always wanted to learn, and I even have a blueprint drawn up for a swing bike (two pivoting points on the frame) that I intend to build once I learn it.
  • I am a tinkerer and am electronics and computer savvy. I enjoy fiddling with computers to get them exactly how I want them. While I’m decent with Matlab and Labview, my greatest work has been writing a script to get a Wii Remote to work on my computer via Bluetooth. I’ve also programmed my Android phone to do things using the Tasker app, and have rooted it and installed a custom recovery on it to load new ROMs and operating systems on it.
  • I can figure out the cheapest way to get a project done. I was the financial manager for my senior design team, and only needed around half of our budget.
  • I can plan things. My project management internship a couple years ago taught me how to stay organized.
  • I am a bike racer and cycling nut, so if you need to know something about bikes for your project, I probably will know. Also, I have way too many bike parts lying around my house.
  • I have basic machine shop skills and can operate a mill and lathe.
  • I have experience operating Objet 3D printers.
  • Last but not least, I think my greatest strength is my creative mind for brainstorming and ideas. In my senior design project, my ideas for solutions for the problem we had to solve were by far the best, and one of them was chosen to be the design that we worked on. I can really think outside of the box.

If you need anything that I listed here, hopefully I can be of help!

Brendan Lee

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Meridith Richter
    February 14, 2016 8:37 pm

    I do not have much experience with machine shop tools, so I would definitely appreciate any help or guidance when thinking about using those. It sounds like you would also be really good at helping problem solve any challenges that come up, whether in the design stage or the actual design implementation stage. Also, the Wii/Bluetooth thing does sound really awesome!

  • Shawn Sprinkle
    February 14, 2016 6:56 pm

    Looks like you have added some good skills outside of engineering classes to your skill set. I might need some help tinkering with electronics/circuits and 3D printing. That’s really cool that you got your Wii remote to work on your computer!

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