Ben Yorkey skills

Some skills that I bring to the table are as follows:

  • Solidworks – slightly above average
  • Basic machining skills (mill, lathe)
  • Basic woodworking skills
  • Soldering
  • 3-D printing knowledge
  • Laser Cutting Knowledge
  • Design for Manufacturability and Assembly
  • Creative idea “generator”

Overall I feel that I am decent enough with “hands on” activities. I also have a good eye for finding helpful resources/inspiration for given tasks.

Typically when I work, I like to work fast and with a lot of energy & enthusiasm. If that’s interesting/desirable for you all, then let’s coordinate to make something awesome!

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Great Skill set, this is very competent. I actually like the same type of positive attitude while working. Working fast has its pros or cons but I still enjoy it and feel its more productive.

  • You have a lot of useful skills. I have never really done 3D printing or woodworking so I think those would be very helpful.

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