Derek’s Current Aspirations

I joined the Aesthetics of Design coarse because this class offers an element of engineering that cannot be practiced in any other class, creativity. As engineers, we are expected to solve complex problems as they arise, but most of what we’ve been taught at CU is to be able to regurgitate the information that is relayed from a professor. This course will give me the opportunity to solve a problem/create something that is truly original, has no bounds, and enable me to practice my engineering skill set.

Almost immediately after graduation, I will be starting my career as a mechanical engineer at a defense contracting firm. The company I will be working for has a very intense, fast pace environment which I am actually excited for. Since things move so quickly, the challenge is to develop quick innovative solutions, and be able to rapid prototype. Fortunately, this company will allow me to practice my dynamic design skills, which is exactly what I want to do going into the professional world. Hopefully my co-workers and I will succeed as a team and engineer some damn fine products!

When beginning my education at CU, the thought of going into the real world was so far fetch. Now I am months away from officially being an adult and starting the rest of my life. I regularly think about where I want to take my life, what I want to do, and what my priorities are. Fortunately I have worked in a professional engineering environment and have an idea of what my long term goals are. My current long term goal is to run my own engineering firm by the age of 30. The type of firm is still up in the air because I am unsure what type of engineering I will be doing in my late 20’s, but right now I am thinking defense contracting because that is what I am familiar with. All in all if I have learned one thing about myself over the past 4 years at CU, it is that I want to always be in a problem solving position.

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  • As a member of your senior design team, I know you are a very ambitious person and love to face the challenges head on. I was in the same position as you and I walked into CU thinking the world was far off. I think you will be a very successful engineering and business owner. You will make whatever you chose to do work well.

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