Rena’s Hopes and Aspirations

As a fifth year BS/MS student with a track in bioengineering, I am taking this class solely out of interest. All of the design project classes I’ve taken so far has always been with a group all working toward a single product with no concern towards aesthetics, so I’m very interested in gaining more project experience. Plus, there’s a huge difference between working with a group on a single project and having an individual project just for you. I have this awful habit of coming up with tons of ideas for projects but just never getting around to them because I’m just bad about getting started. But once I get started, then I fly through. I’m hoping that I can learn to basically get started without holding myself back. As for actual skills, I think I would maybe like to learn how to wood work or maybe learn how to properly use an arduino.

For my first job, I would ideally be working on design work like in SolidWorks. I would love to be engineer who was the main designer for a product that a lot of customers admire. But I also would love to be involved with working on a video game. That would be awesome. Basically, I don’t really know what I want to do with my life. So I don’t exactly have a dream job per se, but I just want to be happy with whatever I am doing!

Here’s a link back to my skill set:

1 Comment. Leave new

  • Jakob Oreskovich
    February 28, 2016 9:53 pm

    If you’re interested in using an Arduino, you should definitely go for it! You can find useful code online for pretty much any project you could come up with, so it’s not too hard to get into. Awesome that you’re interested in working on a video game as well.

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