Ryan’s Aspirations

Currently my aspirations for this semester are to gain a good bit of working experience in manufacturing, 3-d printing, laser cutter, and Arduino skills are all up for grabs at the ITLL and my lower credit hour semester is allowing for more time to explore these avenues. By graduation I expect to have completed at least one internship in the local area, as well as taking a lead role in a senior project, furthering my potential for employment. I am pretty open ab0ut first employment positions, I work better hands on and the more project exposure the better. I would love to eventually get back to the automotive/ power sports arena, working with vehicles has always been a passion of mine and something I don’t plan on giving up anytime soon. Dream job would to be to work in high end automobile/ one off custom prototype vehicles.

1 Comment. Leave new

  • Rachel Grosskrueger
    February 21, 2016 4:58 pm

    Getting extra experience before taking senior design is a fantastic idea. It will really help you see what else you like and give you some bonus skills before going into industry. I hope you get to make it into the automotive industry! Maybe you could try taking one of the clay molding classes/workshops and try making some cars!

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