Hayden’s Aspirations

What are you hoping to gain in experience and skills this semester and by graduation?

By the end of this semester and graduation, I will have hoped to improve in the following ways.  Firstly. I hope to increase my overall acumen for industrial design.  I also wish to be more efficient in the areas of drafting, rapid-prototyping, and manufacturing processes.  I hope to better my capacity to discuss and critique aesthetics and designs, and therefore feel a greater connection to the aesthetics that surround me day to day.

What do you want to do in your first job?

In my first job, I would like to be involved in a creative process.  Either product development and design work, or marketing and brand development.

What is your dream job?

My ideal job would definitely involve the creation of  prototypes and designs and consulting on creative work.  This role within a start-up or entrepreneurial setting would be best.

What kind of XYZ do you want to become?

Eventually, I would like to shape my skill set so that I can perform freelance engineering work while at the same time having an active role in some artistic community.  If I can combine these two ambitions, I would be very satisfied with my profession.