Inspirations: Lazy Susan and Kitchen Space


As a college student, I have slowly begun to understand how important the kitchen is over the years. When searching for apartments, the kitchen size tends to be a large factor. I have been lucky enough to have a nice kitchen, but even then size is an issue. 1 of my cabinets is mainly filled with with spices and another shelf is filled with utensils. Then I saw a lazy Susan spice rack and a lazy Susan utensil holder. I immediately wanted them, since I enjoy the lazy Susan aesthetic, unfortunately I did not have the cash at the time and rarely buy objects for myself. This project helped inspire me to create a lazy Susan of my own design.

I figured I would make a Lazy Susan that was my very own and try to have in include multiple lazy Susans in 1 big lazy Susan.

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  • Cool idea and project. My grandmother is all about the lazy susan and I was fascinated with these “spinning shelves” in her cupboard. I loved playing with hers as a very small child. I was often scolded that I was making a spinning mess and was going to get my fingers caught. Never happened though 😉

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